Saturday 21 February 2009

On Discord in the greens aisle

Saturday morning we troop off to Sainsbury's with the rest of the neighborhood for a week's worth of hunting and gathering. Grocery shopping can be an intensely soothing hour - just me and my list and the tactile experience of fondling every avocado. But add one's spouse and a very tight budget to the task and it quickly becomes baguettes at dawn over who eats more expensively. So there we were, in the salad aisle, having a muted domestic, while the good citizens of Vauxhall manoeuvred their trolleys blearily around us. And a woman happened past, took us in at a glance, and grinned. "Enjoy your argument", she said as she breezed past. We looked at each other and had to smile. And we ended up getting succulent roast chicken for lunch. I never could get my head around the idea of being frugal...

1 comment:

  1. Love you're writing 'Tash. Good to see you starting the blog.

    Oh the challenges of daily living!
