Monday 9 March 2009

On cycling in high heels

The days of cycling bloomers may be long behind us, but the urge to dress down for a trip through town on one's bicycle still seems to overwhelm most women. The things one sees beggars belief. Why would a relatively sartorially aware dame, someone who knows how to throw together a decent skirt and heels for the right occasion, feel obliged to truss herself up in lycra, hang flashing lights from her waistband and don a vest of retina-searing neon yellow? I know men like to dress this way when they get on their bikes, but when did it become a good idea to follow men in the fashion stakes? I can't understand why more women don't adopt the far more form-flattering styles of the equestrian world when dressing for their cycling trips. This at least could be passed off as something inspired by Vogue and not Cycling Plus. And if its being seen by other road users that bothers a woman, she could always opt for a cute miniskirt or a pair of white jeans, and she'll get plenty noticed.

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